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Welcome to Golden Cord Holistic Healing

About the Business:


Golden Cord Holistic Healing provides both practical and energetic methods for maximum healing benefits on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Owner/operator Lisa A. is clairvoyant, a channel of higher dimensional energy, and a healer – an Usui Reiki Master, an Integrated Energy Therapy Advanced Practitioner, a Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner, trained in the Bengston Healing Method, a Certified Crystal Chakra Energy Clinician/Teacher, familiar with a variety of multicultural shamanic practices; as well as channeled healing methods like Light Language and a trance mediumship.  Lisa is a Certified Life Coach, a HeartMath Coach/Mentor, a Certified Hypnotherapist, Emotional Freedom Technique certified, an ordained minister specializing in spiritual counseling and teaching, and a meditation instructor. She holds a Bachelor of Science in human services (mental health counseling emphasis), a master’s in education with additional coursework in special education, and a master's in clinical counseling. Lisa has been studying energetic and psychological healing methods since 1995. Readings and healings are multifaceted and multidimensional; no tools are used and Lisa channels directly from higher dimensions where she is given visions, feelings, words, and a healing vibration to transmit to whomever is seeking the assistance. Everything that comes through is oriented to one’s healing, empowerment, and soul growth. 











About the Inspiration:


More important than education is character, forged through a personal growth path. Spirituality is not a band wagon to jump on, it’s difficult work to transmute and integrate the shadow to alchemize to the higher states of light, and it’s work that I do personally so that I am more available to the clients I am given to help on their journey. Everyone has something to learn and also simultaneously something to teach. We are all in a state of healing something in our lives; and no matter how evolved someone is, they will still be healing in this incarnation.  We are here to help one another in that journey.  I am blessed more every day by what I do than I could possibly give to others. I maintain the outlook that we are all one, and anything that triggers is a mirror for our own personal work. I am told that my greatest gift is I help people to step into their power and strength, and I see the light under the lessons that plague them.


The name "Golden Cord" is based on a repeated vision I had of literal golden cord wrapped around a spool. I was shown that the Golden Cord is an energetic cord of divine love connecting everyone. I continually see visions of circles and hearts connected almost everywhere I go. We never really lose those we love, either through distance or through death. We are always connected. And for that reason, it's important to honor those we come in contact with and also honor our own needs, because every action affects the whole. There can be a lot of healing in strengthening that cord with others, our self, and with any spiritual connection we may have (which doesn’t have to be conventional).

Crystal Healing Session
Intuitive Life Coaching
Lisa - Crystal Healing Session
Crystal Healing Session
Crystal Healing Session
Crystal Healing Session


Connecticut, USA

but available via Skype or Facetime anywhere you are! 


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This is an inclusive business - unconditional divine love knows no color, gender presentation or sexual preference.  This is a safe space for everyone.  

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